Principal's Message

It is indeed a great pleasure for me to welcome all students, their parents and guardians to Bhonwal Convent School, Lucknow. Our goal is to help the students to become independent and creative thinkers. We provide the facilities to develop right work habits and enthusiastic learners.

The school is equipped with the latest educational aids and apparatus to create a suitable atmosphere for teaching-learning process. At BCS we provide individual attention to each and every child, daily homework is carefully checked, terminal tests are held and suggestions for the child's further progress is regularly given to the parents.

We encourage our students to observe, to explore, to learn, to think, to experiment and to apply what he has leant in the class. The curriculum is carefully designed keeping all these things in mind. The daily routine and activities are planned in such a way that each activity is a learning experience for the students with a mission to develop strong minds that are receptive to new ideas and changing needs, BCS endeavors to infuse among the learners, the core values that drive our society.

We have high expectations for all our students in morals, academics, noble deeds and respect for others. The school aspires towards: creating a human society free from prejudices, superstitions, discrimination based on gender, religion, caste and economic status.

The task of helping our children to become good citizens is done better through a kind of partnership between school and parents Though a school can do a lot for a child it cannot do everything. The home is a place where the character of a child is formed and developed. School education indeed promotes the growth of personality and helps to discover and develop the qualities that are latent in children.

Bhonwal Convent School promotes excellence in diverse spheres a multi-faceted student is not only equipped to take up his duties as a citizen of India but also a citizen of the world. This is hoped to be achieved through the development, enabling the children to adapt themselves to their environment through a forum of self-expression and group interaction, providing opportunities to develop self-confidence and leadership skills through participation and involvement in co-curricular activities Let's begin a journey that will take us to a plethora of knowledge and wisdom. Best wishes and God's Blessings.

Mrs. Pratima Awatramani

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